Day Program
Port Place is an adult day program that operates out of Port Resources’ Central Office at 280B Gannett Drive. Our goal is to integrate our clients into their community. We do this through planned daily activities that are person-centered, spontaneous community outings that are person-driven and through inviting community members to our program to assist our clients with various activities that they are interested in such as, gardening, baking, cooking and creating artwork. We are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Some clients come for the full day and others prefer half days. Port Place is closed on the following holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day following, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. Port Resources accepts MaineCare (Section 21 and Section 29 Waiver Funding) and private pay for this service. The hourly rate is based on the current MaineCare rate allowance as published in MaineCare Benefits Manual Chapter 101, III, Sections 21 and 29. Please call for more information.
Please Call for Referral Information 207-828-0048 x125