Shared Living
A family or "roommate-like" support model where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities join a living arrangement which in some cases may include children and pets. An individual’s needs are matched with a Shared Living Provider and are coordinated by a support team, case manager, and DHHS. The Shared Living Provider supports the individual with living skills, personal care, organization and appointment schedules, transportation, and community integration.
For families seeking alternative housing services for adults: Shared Living is similar to foster care. Shared Living emphasizes directing care to a more cooperative sharing of space and support between adults. The individual becomes part of the fabric of the provider’s family, home and community. The Shared Living provider supports the client with daily living skills, personal care, organization and scheduling of appointments, transportation, community inclusion, interpersonal skill development and a whole host of other supports. Many of the people living in shared living programs attend community support programs and/or are employed. Client’s families are encouraged to remain actively involved and provide support and guidance for their family members and the Shared Living Provider. In some cases it is appropriate for a family member to become the Shared Living Provider. This service can be specifically tailored to the client's needs.
On behalf of DHHS-OADS Port Resources, as an approved administrator, assists OADS in the recruitment and matching the individual’s and team needs with an appropriate home and Shared Living Provider.
Please Call for Referral Information 207-828-0048 x125
I’m Interested in becoming a provider!
Port Resources provides administrative oversight for Shared Living service contractors who operate throughout Southern Maine. Port Resources, as an administrator, ensures that the client’s needs are being met and that their health and safety remain a priority. Port Resources also provides Shared Living Providers support and assistance to ensure compliance with all state and federal regulations. Port Resources offers:
Training opportunities so the contractors can meet their professional development needs (see our Training section)
Supports to the client and their providers throughout Person Centered Planning (PCP) process
Ongoing support from our management team.
Assistance with networking with other Shared Living Providers in the area.
Support for community integration opportunities for the individual
A competitive daily stipend is paid via direct deposit on a weekly basis (in most cases the daily stipend is tax-free)
Potential income from daily stipends plus room and board can be over $45,000 per year
If you are interested in becoming a provider, applications for these services can be obtained through the DHHS/Office of Aging and Disability Services or by calling us directly. Seeking individuals and families living in the following counties: Cumberland, York, Sagadahoc, Androscoggin, and Oxford
I’m interested in receiving services!
Individuals and families interested in Shared Living services should consult with their case manager or contact the closest DHHS/OADS office. There are certain eligibility requirements established by the Department of Health and Human Services through MaineCare Section 21, Home and Community-Based Waiver Services Program, or Section 29, Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
For more information:
For information visit the DHHS/OADS information page through the link provided HERE
We suggest you read the Shared Living Guide for Shared Living Providers for more details about the specific roles and responsibilities.
For information visit the DHHS/OADS information page through the link provided HERE
We suggest you read the Shared Living Guide for Shared Living Providers for more details about the specific roles and responsibilities.
If you are interested in learning more about our Shared Living Services, please complete a contact form here on the website or call our main office at (207) 828-0048 and ask to speak to our Shared Living Program Manager.